Minister of Science in the introductory ceremony of the president of Hazrat-e Masoumeh University:
Education of female students is a movement to achieve a knowledgeable and aware society.

The Minister of Science, Research and Technology said: Serving the students, who are the managers and future owners of the country, is a valuable opportunity for university officials, and education of female students is a movement to achieve a knowledgeable and aware society.

According to the General Directorate of Public Relations of the Ministry of Science, In the ceremony of introducing the head of Hazrat-e Masoumeh University and praising the services of the former president of this university Dr. Zolfigol stated: Currently, the Islamic system has provided the ground for the education of female students and in some fields, up to seventy percent of students are girls, and this shows the importance of the position of women and their educational role in the family and society.

The Minister of Science emphasized: In the past, there were various shortcomings in the countrys higher education and there was not even a single doctoral course in the country until Shiraz University established the first doctoral course in chemistry in 1986.

He said: Currently, about twenty thousand doctoral students are admitted annually. There are twenty million university graduates in the country, which is a symbol of the valuable services of the Islamic Republic despite the conspiracies of enemies.

Pointing out that the enemy seeks to discourage the youth and spoil the identity of this generation, the Minister of Science said: I expect dear students to raise the horizon of their goals, to make scientific efforts with strength and motivation, and even to think of winning the World Nobel Prize in their field.

In this meeting, the Minister of Science, while introducing Dr. Maryam Bordbar as the president of Hazrat-e Masoumeh University, praised the services of Dr. Nasrin Sadeghzadeh, the former president of this university.

Dr. Zolfi Gol also presented Dr. Bagheri Sales, the first president of Hazrat-e Masoumeh University a plaque of appreciation for his efforts and services, and also Dr. Abdipour, one of the former presidents of the university.