با ارسال نامه به روسای 3 دانشگاه عربی
رئیس دانشگاه حضرت معصومه (س) خواستار حمایت از مردم مظلوم غزه شد

رئیس دانشگاه حضرت معصومه (س) با ارسال نامه به روسای دانشگاه های امریکایی بیروت، امارات متحده عربی و قطر، خواستار محکومیت جنایات اسراییل و حمایت از مردم مظلوم غزه از سوی آن دانشگاه ها شد.

به گزارش روابط عمومی دانشگاه حضرت معصومه (س) دکتر مریم بردبار در نامه های ارسال شده به روسای دانشگاه  امارات متحده عربی، دانشگاه قطر و دانشگاه امریکایی بیروت با اشاره به جنایات رژیم صهیونیستی، ماموریت های بشردوستانه دانشگاه ها را مورد توجه قرار داد و از روسای این دانشگاه ها خواست اقداماتی را برای جلب حمایت جامعه جهانی در راستای قطع حملات و ارسال فوری کمک های بشردوستانه به غزه انجام دهند.
دکتر بردبار در بخش دیگری از نامه خود از روسای این دانشگاهها خواست با افشای جنایات این رژیم کودک کش به دانشجویان و جامعه جهانی، قطع همکاری های سیاسی و پشتیبانی های لوجستیکی و انرژی را از دولت های خود مطالبه نمایند.
همچنین دعوت دانشگاه ها به صدور کیفرخواست علیه مقامات رژیم صهیونیستی از دیگر خواسته های رئیس دانشگاه حضرت معصومه (س) از روسای دانشگاه های امریکایی بیروت، امارات متحده عربی و قطر بود.

متن نامه به شرح ذیل است:

To the Esteemed Presidency of Qatar University, United Arab Emirates University, American
University of Beirut
As you are aware, the Gaza Strip has been subjected to a barrage of aerial assaults from the
Israeli regime over the past days. To date, thousands of bombs have been dropped on this
densely populated region, resulting in the death of several thousand individuals and an even
greater number of injuries. More than half of those killed were women and children. Several
thousand homes have been devastated, and to date over half a million people have been
displaced. In a savage attack on al-Ahli Arab Hospital on October 17, 2023, over 1,000
Palestinian refugees, who had sought refuge in the hospital, were massacred.
Regrettably, the Israeli regime has completely besieged the Strip, preventing the delivery of
first aid, food, and medicine to over 2.3 million residents. The Israeli regime has cut off
water, electricity, and other essential services in the Gaza Strip, and the people living there
face significant strain due to the lack of necessary resources for life sustenance.
In such circumstances, we sincerely request you, given the humanitarian missions of
academia, to support and bring to the attention of the global community and international
officials the following:
1- Immediate ceasefire in this region.
2- Halt the bombardments, especially those of universities, schools, hospitals, residential
homes, and urban infrastructures.
3- Open necessary corridors for delivering food and medical supplies to Gaza.
4- Enable the presence of aid workers, doctors, and nurses in Gaza.
5- Restore water, electricity, gas, and phone services in Gaza.
In addition, given the humanitarian mission and condemnation of injustice to people and land
grabbing from oppressed nations, it is necessary that the following are achieved with your
1- Cessation of the activities of Israeli regime embassies and consulates in different countries.
2- Preventing the dispatch of armaments from American bases in regional countries and
others to occupied Palestinian territories (Israel).
3- Indictment of the Israeli regime officials at the international war criminal courts.
4- Restricting oil sales to Israel's supporters.
5- Most importantly, exposing Israel's crimes and America's support for this child-murdering
government to students and societies around the world.
With the utmost respect, The Presidency of Hazrat-e Masoumeh University ,Iran