Wise Lady, Family Elevation

As the first active women’s university after Islamic Revolution and ranked second only to Al-Zahra university, this university should be a role model and pioneer for all other newly-formed universities. Considering the existing requirements at both national and provincial level and the available numerous capabilities, the development of this university from training and research perspectives is deemed as an inevitable necessity.
As far as training is concerned, one of the major objectives of this university is the supply of human resources and specialists and the creation of the pyramid of university faculty members. To do so, employment and supply of the scientific staff of the university was placed on the agenda of all training task forces. 
Furthermore, establishing the required fields of study and developing the university-affiliated higher education institutions is one of the plans which is being followed-up seriously. In the same vein, training quality is also one of the critical concerns that has been taken into account both in the early stages of university establishment and at the present time.  To achieve these goals, holding in-service training for the faculty members, implementing the plan of qualitative supervision on training, employing specialist and competent staff and encouraging and offering scholarships for the complementary education of the university professors have been defined as the main strategies incorporated in university’s plans and programs.
Research is regarded as one of the pillars of higher education system. Taking this into account, this university has put the formation of women’s international research center high on its agenda. In this line, making effort for knowledge production for resolving women’s problems and researcher training have been considered as two main aims pursued by the research studies and endeavors.
 Accordingly, the provision of research facilities, publication of books and papers and scientific-research journals, holding international scientific conferences,   providing the opportunity for the attendance of university’s researchers in valid international conferences, providing research and study opportunities and exchange of professors and students through establishing relationships with the world’s high rank scientific centers are among the major plans of this university for the future. 
-    Providing study opportunity for Iranian women in women-specific colleges so as to increase the scientific level of this portion of society;
-    Establishment and development of the fields of study required for the women;
-    Development and deepening of family system through holding short and long-term training courses/programs;
-     Supply of specialist and efficient human resource;
-    Establishment of a university complying with Islamic-Iranian culture so as to minimize the ethical concerns;
-     Involvement in the facilitation and acceleration of nation’s higher education development process and focusing on the needs and preferences of all groups of community in this regard;
-    Development of higher education and increase of number of graduates in M.A. and PhD degrees;
-     Preserving the human dignity and developing the piety and modesty. Providing a reference for the pathology of women’s affairs nation-wide and assisting in their resolve through research and strategic plans;
-    Extending the borders of higher education into homes through initiating online learning particularly for those women who are not able to attend university;
-    Establishing a permanent center for women-related applied research;
-    Establishing a permanent specialized library for the women;
-    Providing study opportunities as well as the exchange of professors and students through establishing interrelationship with other universities of the world;
-    Formation of a counseling center and providing women-specific consulting services