By issuing a statement
The professors of Hazrat Masoumeh (PBUH) University condemned insulting the Quran

The professors of Hazrat Masoumeh (PBUH) University condemned insulting the Quran By issuing a statement.

According to the public relations report of Hazrat Masoumeh (PBUH) University, the text of the statement is as follows:

Statement of the Mobilization Unit of the Professors of Hazrat-e  Masoumeh University(HMU) in Condemning the Insult to the Holy Quran


Insults and mockery are the tactic of opponents against the logical expression of revelation

Respect for human beliefs, sanctities, and values is one of the most basic human rights, which the claimants of human rights in Sweden have used as a means of their Zionist policy, and under the pretext of freedom of speech and the principles of a democratic society, they have refused to prevent the occurrence of offensive and violence-provoking actions. They issue permission to hold extremist and anti-Quran gatherings. Shame on these human rights, which have become the basis of arrogant and anti-human practices, and in addition to conflicting with Islamic rules, it is contrary to internationally accepted rules such as clause 3 of the article 19 and clause 2 of the article 20 in the Covenant of Civil and Political Rights

We, the mobilization unit of  professors of  HMU, while expressing our disgust and condemning the insulting actions to the Holy Qur'an, strongly condemn the support of the Swedish authorities in allowing this ceremony and in  providing a platform for the repetition of such hateful and insulting actions. Therefore, we request all Muslims around the world, especially the Muslim people of Iran, as well as all free nations, groups, individuals and influential assemblies, both Muslim and non-Muslim, international institutions, especially the United Nations, the European Court of Human Rights and the organization of  Islamic cooperation to react against this offensive and brazen action. Also, we ask them to condemn it and take legal action against the supporters, perpetrators in order to prevent these insulters from repeating such actions which threaten the international peace and moral principles of human society and the values of followers of different religions and beliefs.